The future puzzle for the new Africa…

May 25 is the Africa Day and we have been involved in several projects how to involve and engage the global knowledge community to foster a culture of human centered leadership.


It is time to define the trip for the future of Africa and develop the sustainable future for the African people. Here is a list of ten things to remember for the future



We need to combine experience, knowledge with intelligence and curiosity from many views. We could measure IQ and EQ but how should we train and measure creativity. We think that it is time to introduce VQ Virtual Intelligence as the “next intelligence currency”.


We will soon be able to travel and meet IRL and let us now prepare and train for the travel in Virtual Airlines to Africa 



Our network of excellence have the mindset, skillset and toolset how to build the puzzle of the future. You can book your Virtual Manager for a Session, a Lecture or a Journey


Welcome on board!


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